Favorite Quotes From Books I've Read

  • "You should take a pill." Roh laughed. "Something for acute-on-chronic self-righteousness."-Rho (Bleeder)
  • "So you want to see my Junque?" She wrapped the com over her ear and smiled. "I thought I already had."-Char (Space Junque)
  • "You wanna give her candy and caffeine while you're at it?" -Mallory (Some Girls Bite)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chicagoland Vampires

Some Girls Bite by Chloe Neill

I'm gonna be honest here . . I was drawn to this book because the book club ladies were talking about the newest release A LOT! The newest book being #4 in the series, I couldn't just pick it up and read . . ya have to start with book one, right?

The book was a little slow to start for me. I found myself rereading sections just to make sure I was clear on what was what, who was who . . you get the picture. Once I got things settled in my head, the book picked up. However, it turned out to be a book I felt like I was reading for the simple joy of just that . . . READING! It wasn't a mad rush to the end to see whodunit. I found myself reading and smiling, enjoying the book.

Merit and Mallory, BFF's! Living together in the house Mallory inherited, didn't know how life was going to change for them . . and soon! Merit finds herself being dropped off at home, dressed NOTHING like she would ever dress . . . confused, and holding the rule book to her new life, and OH Yeah! There is bags of blood in the fridge.

Grip the pages (or the push button to flip) and take a ride. As both Merit and Mallory figure out how different life is going to be from here on out.

I'm currently reading the next installment . . so clearly I enjoyed the first!

Grab yourself a copy and settle in. (I've "heard" it's gonna get bumpy).

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